
Kopi O 和孙大炮

这天,随旅游车来到太平的阿三古邦(Assam Kumbang)天桥旁边,去参观一家建於1933年,据说是全马最早创立的第一家咖啡粉厂。转眼82年过去了,如今咖啡厂传给了第三代接班人,他们依然是使用传统的炭烧法来制造咖啡。可能是因为由木材烧出来的咖啡,有种特别的烟熏味,就算那天没有工人在制作咖啡,俺的鼻腔里充斥的都是Kopi 味。

接下来,游客被安排去咖啡工厂的隔壁喝咖啡、吃roti饼。走入一栋看起来是殖民时期的古老别墅,建筑物的后部,以前应该是厨房的空间,如今用来作售卖部。握着一小小杯的咖啡乌,把一小小块脆脆硬硬的roti 饼沾上Kopi-O,咬着咬着,童年的记忆,霎时浮现了一小块在脑海中。

俺小时候住在一排店屋的楼上,楼下是海南人开的咖啡店。清晨5点不到,那些海南阿哥阿朵(阿哥就是uncle,阿朵就是auntie,阿嫂)就起床煲滚水、蒸糯米饭,忙得不可开交。俺们这些小瓜,就算用被蒙着头想睡久一点,耳中还是会听到传自楼板下方,阿哥阿朵那些kiki koko的木屐声。到了6点正,楼下传来乒乒乓乓的巨响,几乎把所有人都震醒了,那是一块块厚厚的门板被除下时所发出的嘈音;每天早晨6点,就会有顾客上门喝咖啡、吃面包、生熟蛋和加央糯米饭了。

每逢老爸的同乡来找他倾计(谈天),他就给俺两角钱,叫俺拿着那个青色唐瓷的mug,到楼下去买咖啡乌。海南阿哥泡了一大mug黑黑的Kopi-O,幸亏俺的臂力还不弱,能够捧着上楼去。老爸和同乡就一面讲着香山话,一面叹gao gao的 Kopi-O。

从厨房拾级上去,即别墅的前厅和卧房。这栋叫做“长春圃” 别墅的墙壁上,挂了好些孙中山和一个女人的照片。

话说俺老爸籍贯广东省中山县圣狮村,当年在生活困苦的岁月里,他老爹竟然把老婆和四个年幼的孩子摆在家里不管,带上全副家当,跟随他隔壁翠亨村的老乡去搞革命。俺这祖父追随的同乡,姓孙名文, 还因为这个心目中的偶像,而改信了基督教。






去年在哈尔滨的某个早晨,只见酒店对面小商店的老伯,在店前行人道旁优闲的吃着早餐,身旁一大巴哥犬(pug)和小吉娃娃( chiwawa)不停的跑来跑去。


大巴哥心理不爽,觉得有点委屈,於是跑到邻居大妈那里蹲着生闷气。邻家大白哥哥跑过来安慰大巴哥:“ 给小的让一让,没关系啦!”

大巴哥问大白哥哥:“ 大妈们在忙啥呀?”


“ 那等下我们不是有粽子吃咯?”



“ 哎哟!那个我们不喜欢!我们只喜欢吃这样子的!” 大妈耸耸肩膀,一面摇着头说。



“ 喂!主人在叫你咯!” 邻家大白哥哥在提醒那神情还是有点忧郁的大巴哥。




转载:What’s Really Going on at Fukushima?

by Robert Hunziker/ June 14th 2015

Robert Hunziker (MA, economic history, DePaul University) is a freelance writer and environmental journalist whose articles have been translated into foreign languages and appeared in over 50 journals, magazines, and sites worldwide. He can be contacted at:rlhunziker@gmail.comRead other articles by Robert.

Fukushima’s still radiating, self-perpetuating, immeasurable, and limitless, like a horrible incorrigible Doctor Who monster encounter in deep space.
Fukushima will likely go down in history as the biggest cover-up of the 21st Century. Governments and corporations are not leveling with citizens about the risks and dangers; similarly, truth itself, as an ethical standard, is at risk of going to shambles as the glue that holds together the trust and belief in society’s institutions. Ultimately, this is an example of how societies fail.
Tens of thousands of Fukushima residents remain in temporary housing more than four years after the horrific disaster of March 2011. Some areas on the outskirts of Fukushima have officially reopened to former residents, but many of those former residents are reluctant to return home because of widespread distrust of government claims that it is okay and safe.
Part of this reluctance has to do with radiation’s symptoms. It is insidious because it cannot be detected by human senses. People are not biologically equipped to feel its power, or see, or hear, touch or smell it (Caldicott). Not only that, it slowly accumulates over time in a dastardly fashion that serves to hide its effects until it is too late.
Chernobyl’s Destruction Mirrors Fukushima’s Future
As an example of how media fails to deal with disaster blowback, here are some Chernobyl facts that have not received enough widespread news coverage: Over one million (1,000,000) people have already died from Chernobyl’s fallout.
Additionally, the Rechitsa Orphanage in Belarus has been caring for a very large population of deathly sick and deformed children. Children are 10 to 20 times more sensitive to radiation than adults.
Zhuravichi Children’s Home is another institution, among many, for the Chernobyl-stricken: “The home is hidden deep in the countryside and, even today, the majority of people in Belarus are not aware of the existence of such institutions.”1
One million (1,000,000) is a lot of dead people. But, how many more will die? Approximately seven million (7,000,000) people in the Chernobyl vicinity were hit with one of the most potent exposures to radiation in the history of the Atomic Age.
The exclusion zone around Chernobyl is known as “Death Valley.” It has been increased from 30 to 70 square kilometres. No humans will ever be able to live in the zone again. It is a permanent “dead zone.”
Additionally, over 25,000 died and 70,000 disabled because of exposure to extremely dangerous levels of radiation in order to help contain Chernobyl. Twenty percent of those deaths were suicides, as the slow agonizing “death march of radiation exposure” was too much to endure.
Fukushima- The Real Story
In late 2014, Helen Caldicott, M.D. gave a speech about Fukushima at Seattle Town Hall on September 28, 2014. Pirate Television recorded her speech.
Dr. Helen Caldicott is co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, and she is author/editor of Crisis Without End: The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe, The New Press, September 2014. For over four decades Dr. Caldicott has been the embodiment of the anti-nuclear banner, and as such, many people around the world classify her as a “national treasure”. She’s truthful and honest and knowledgeable.
Fukushima is literally a time bomb in quiescence. Another powerful quake and all hell could break loose. Also, it is not even close to being under control. Rather, it is totally out of control. According to Dr. Caldicott, “It’s still possible that Tokyo may have to be evacuated, depending upon how things go.” Imagine that!
According to Japan Times as of March 11, 2015:
There have been quite a few accidents and problems at the Fukushima plant in the past year, and we need to face the reality that they are causing anxiety and anger among people in Fukushima, as explained by Shunichi Tanaka at the Nuclear Regulation Authority. Furthermore, Mr. Tanaka said, there are numerous risks that could cause various accidents and problems.
Even more ominously, Seiichi Mizuno, a former member of Japan’s House of Councillors (Upper House of Parliament, 1995-2001) in March 2015 said:
The biggest problem is the melt-through of reactor cores… We have groundwater contamination… The idea that the contaminated water is somehow blocked in the harbor is especially absurd. It is leaking directly into the ocean. There’s evidence of more than 40 known hotspot areaswhere extremely contaminated water is flowing directly into the ocean… We face huge problems with no prospect of solution.2
At Fukushima, each reactor required one million gallons of water per minute for cooling, but when the tsunami hit, the backup diesel generators were drowned. Units 1, 2, and 3 had meltdowns within days. There were four hydrogen explosions. Thereafter, the melting cores burrowed into the container vessels, maybe into the earth.
According to Dr. Caldicott, “One hundred tons of terribly hot radioactive lava has already gone into the earth or somewhere within the container vessels, which are all cracked and broken.” Nobody really knows for sure where the hot radioactive lava resides. The scary unanswered question: Is it the China Syndrome?
Following the meltdown, the Japanese government did not inform people of the ambient levels of radiation that blew back onto the island. Unfortunately and mistakenly, people fled away from the reactors to the highest radiation levels on the island at the time.
As the disaster happened, enormous levels of radiation hit Tokyo. The highest radiation detected in the Tokyo Metro area was in Saitama with cesium radiation levels detected at 919,000 becquerel (Bq) per square meter, a level almost twice as high as Chernobyl’s “permanent dead zone evacuation limit of 500,000 Bq.”3. For that reason, Dr. Caldicott strongly advises against travel to Japan and recommends avoiding Japanese food.
Even so, post the Fukushima disaster, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed an agreement with Japan that the U.S. would continue importing Japanese foodstuff. Therefore, Dr. Caldicott suggests people not vote for Hillary Clinton. One reckless dangerous precedent is enough for her.
According to Arnie Gundersen, an energy advisor with 39 years of nuclear power engineering experience, as reported in The Canadian on August 15, 2011:
The US government has come up with a decision at the highest levels of the State Department, as well as other departments who made a decision to downplay Fukushima. In April, the month after the powerful tsunami and earthquake crippled Japan including its nuclear power plant, Hillary Clinton signed a pact with Japan that she agreed there is no problem with Japanese food supply and we will continue to buy them. So, we are not sampling food coming in from Japan.
However, in stark contrast to the United States, in Europe Angela Merkel, PhD physics, University of Leipzig and current chancellor of Germany is shutting down all nuclear reactors because of Fukushima.
Maybe an advanced degree in physics makes the difference in how a leader approaches the nuclear power issue. It certainly looks that way when comparing/contrasting the two pantsuit-wearing leaders, Chancellor Merkel and former secretary of state Clinton.
After the Fukushima blow up, ambient levels of radiation in Washington State went up 40,000 times above normal, but according to Dr. Caldicott, the U.S. media does not cover the “ongoing Fukushima mess.” So, who would really know?
Dr. Caldicott ended her September 28. 2014 speech by saying:
In Fukushima, it is not over. Everyday, four hundred tons of highly radioactive water pours into the Pacific and heads towards the U.S.  Because the radiation accumulates in fish, we get that too. The U.S. government is not testing the water, not testing the fish, and not testing the ambient air. Also, people in Japan are eating radiation every day.
Furthermore, according to Dr. Caldicott:
Rainwater washes over the nuclear cores into the Pacific. There is no way they can get to those cores, men die, robots get fried. Fukushima will never be solved. Meanwhile, people are still living in highly radioactive areas.
Fukushima will never be solved because “men die” and “robots get fried.” By the sounds of it, Fukushima is a perpetual radiation meltdown scenario that literally sets on the edge of a bottomless doomsday pit, in waiting to be nudged over.
UN All-Clear Report
A UN (UNSCEAR) report on April 2, 2014 on health impacts of the Fukushima accident concluded that any radiation-induced effects would be too small to identify. People were well protected and received “low or very low” radiation doses. UNSCEAR gave an all-clear report.
Rebuttal of the UNSCEAR report by the German affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War dated July 18, 2014 takes a defiant stance in opposition to the UN report, to wit:
The Fukushima nuclear disaster is far from over. Despite the declaration of ‘cold shutdown’ by the Japanese government in December 2011, the crippled reactors have not yet achieved a stable status and even UNSCEAR admits that emissions of radioisotopes are continuing unabated. 188 TEPCO is struggling with an enormous amount of contaminated water, which continues to leak into the surrounding soil and sea. Large quantities of contaminated cooling water are accumulating at the site. Failures in the makeshift cooling systems are occurring repeatedly. The discharge of radioactive waste will most likely continue for a long time.
Both the damaged nuclear reactors and the spent fuel ponds contain vast amounts of radioactivity and are highly vulnerable to further earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and human error. Catastrophic releases of radioactivity could occur at any time and eliminating this risk will take many decades… It is impossible at this point in time to come up with an exact prognosis of the effects that the Fukushima nuclear disaster will have on the population in Japan… the UNSCEAR report represents a systematic underestimation and conjures up an illusion of scientific certainty that obscures the true impact of the nuclear catastrophe on health and the environment.
Read the full text of the rejoinder to the UN report here.
Fukushima’s Radiation and the Future
Mari Yamaguchi, Associated Press (AP), June 12, 2015:
Four years after an earthquake and tsunami destroyed Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant, the road ahead remains riddled with unknowns… Experts have yet to pinpoint the exact location of the melted fuel inside the three reactors and study it, and still need to develop robots capable of working safely in such highly radioactive conditions. And then there’s the question of what to do with the waste… serious doubts about whether the cleanup can be completed within 40 years.
According to Prof. Hiroaki Koide (retired), Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, April 25, 2015:
Although the Chernobyl accident was a terrible accident, it only involved one reactor. With Fukushima, we have the minimum [of] 3 reactors that are emitting dangerous radiation. The work involved to deal with this accident will take tens of years, hundreds of years. It could be that some of the fuel could actually have gone through the floor of the containment vessel as well… What I’ve just described is very, very logical for anyone who understands nuclear engineering or nuclear energy. (Which dreadfully spells-out: THE CHINA SYNDROME.)
According to the Smithsonian, April 30, 2015:
Birds Are in a Tailspin Four Years After Fukushima: Bird species are in sharp decline, and it is getting worse over time… Where it’s much, much hotter, it’s dead silent. You’ll see one or two birds if you’re lucky.
Developmental abnormalities of birds include cataracts, tumors, and asymmetries. Birds are spotted with strange white patches on their feathers.
Maya Moore, a former NHK news anchor, authored a book about the disaster:The Rose Garden of Fukushima (Tankobon, 2014), about the roses of Mr. Katsuhide Okada. Today, the garden has perished:
It’s just poisoned wasteland. The last time Mr. Okada actually went back there, he found baby crows that could not fly, that were blind. Mutations have begun with animals, with birds.
The Rose Garden of Fukushima features a collection of photos of an actual garden that existed in Fukushima, Japan. Boasting over 7500 bushes of roses and 50-thousand visitors a year, the Garden was rendered null and void in an instant due to the triple disaster — earthquake, tsunami, and meltdown.
The forward to Maya’s book was written by John Roos, former US Ambassador to Japan 2009-13:
The incredible tale of Katz Okada and his Fukushima rose garden was told here by Maya Moore… gives you a small window into what the people of Tohoku faced.
Roos’ “small window” could very well serve as a metaphor for a huge black hole smack dab in the heart of civilization. Similarly, Fukushima is a veritable destruction machine that consumes everything in its path, and beyond, and its path is likely to grow. For certain, it is not going away.
Thus, TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) is deeply involved in an asymmetric battle against enormously powerful unleashed out-of-control forces of E=mc2.
Clearly, TEPCO has its back to the wall. Furthermore, it’s doubtful TEPCO will “break the back of the beast.” In fact, it may be an impossible task.
Maybe, just maybe, Greater Tokyo’s 38 million residents will eventually be evacuated. Who knows for sure?
Only Godzilla knows!



可口可乐香草汽水健怡可乐瓶PNG图片素材免费下载_图片编号1194971-PNG ...


话说19世纪中,在美国有个叫做John Pemberton 的联邦上校,参加南北战争时因受伤而染上了吗啡瘾。为了要寻找鸦片的替代品,John Pemberton 日后在他乔治亚州的药房里,调配出了一种含有古柯因的酒。
1885年,Pemberton把古柯因酒注册为提神醒脑的补品,叫做Coca-cola 。1886年,亚特兰大实行禁酒,Coca-cola就不再含有酒精,而掺入了苏打水。Pemberton 认为他发明的可口可乐,最大的好处是可以取代吗啡,对消化不良、神经衰弱、头痛、阳痿亦有所帮助。所以,第一份标价5个镭美金的可口可乐,是以一种药物在Pemberton 的药房卖出。

Coca-cola的主要成分就是从古柯叶(cola leaf )提取出来的古柯因( cocaine ),以及从可乐果( kola nut )提取出来的咖啡因(caffeine)。1904年以后,可乐里面的古柯因,改为从古柯叶残渣中提取。配料有糖、碳酸水、焦糖、磷酸等。


美国可乐公司赶紧搞出一个不放糖、但也是很甜的可乐新产品,叫做Coca-Cola Light。成分和普通没啥差别,含有(carbonated water)碳酸水 、sodium benzoate(苯甲酸钠-防腐剂,编码E211)、citrate acid(柠檬酸)、 orthophosphoric acid(磷酸)、sodium cyclamate(甜蜜素)以及色素和各种不同的香味。编码E330 的柠檬酸,也是食品防腐剂,F150D就是可乐的焦糖色素。唯一不同的是加入aspatame (阿斯巴甜)。


添加E338 磷酸在可乐中,使其具刺激味和酸味。储藏磷酸,得用特制的容器来存放,因为磷酸的腐蚀性很强,可以把钢也腐蚀掉。消费人在享受着很有刺激性的可乐饮品时,胡里胡涂就把这种腐蚀液体也一并吞进肠胃中。磷酸阻碍了体内钙的吸收,逐渐导致骨骼疏松脆弱,也会间接影响视力,甚至引发皮疹和皮肤炎等。

编码E951的阿斯巴甜,是一种非碳水化合物类的人造甜味剂。可怕的是,进入人体的aspartame,会被分解为三类物质:甲醇(methanol )(强烈毒性,致盲)、天门冬氨酸 (aspartic acid) (刺激性毒素,会刺激神经细胞至死)、苯丙氨酸 (phenylalanine) 。高达15%对phenylalanine过敏的人,会引发痉挛及抽搐 ( seizure and convulsion),还可导致脑部永久伤害,甚至死亡。有研究发现,阿斯巴甜引发脑瘤、脑损伤以及淋巴癌等。


喝下一罐可口可乐,不出40分钟,咖啡因使血压升高、心跳加速、兴奋、紧张、急躁。接下来,古柯因激活脑中分泌出大量的多巴胺( dopamine),会使人有一种很high的感觉。当磷酸堵住了身体里的锌、镁和钙的吸收,尿液把大量的矿物质和钙排出体外;最后,整个人就有如一粒完全泄了气的球,变得疲惫不堪和精神萎靡。

可乐中的咖啡因使人失眠、兴奋、紧张,影响睡眠系统。咖啡因刺激胃部蠕动和胃酸分泌,引起肠痉挛、肚子痛。小孩子喝了可乐,会排尿特别多,因为可乐的咖啡因使胃肠壁上的毛细血管扩张,刺激肾臟机能,使肾水流增加。钙排出量也随着增加,儿童的骨骼发育自然会受到影响,同时体内的维生素B1也被破坏掉,最终会引发许多健康问题。可是很多家长可能还懵闭闭,去茶室吃早餐时,就给孩子order 一罐可乐加冰块。


