
永别了,Brother !

彭钊於2016年9月的画作(Pen and water color—— Pulau Pasir Hitam 大直弄海边)

虽然我不会绘画,可是今天却想谈谈「水彩画」,顾名思义,那就是用水调和颜料作画的一种表现方式。我还知道水彩是有character 的,水彩的「性格」就是轻盈灵动、变化多端。水彩的画技法包括有「干画法」和「湿画法」,这两种画法是灵活变通着交替使用的。另有小技巧如「湿接法」,如果画家功力够深厚,运用所谓的「水渍法」,令其发挥奇妙的功能,甚至可以达到形成水色潇洒、圆融境界的意境。






Brother 说:“可以把这几句译成英文吗?好让不懂中文的也知道我想讲啲乜嘢!”

“ 可以嘅!等我试下啦!”

风过河面 Lotus in the breeze by Phang Chew ( 2012年9月)

「理念一则」(Foreword by Phang Chew ):
 It was through a series of coincidences that brought me into the world of painting. Painting is more than using one's imagination to create behind closed doors. It is the nature in the outdoor that became my teacher in art and painting. When I am out with nature, it gives me freedom to find inspiration, new ideas and creativity.

 Gradually I begin to realize that art is not rational but is sensible: first of all you need to have a sense for beauty, then the sense for space, as well as a stronger sense for color.

I particularly love watercolor painting. Watercolor painting is not just the process of painting with pigments. By using the right amount of water mixed with the water-soluble pigments, one can create very unique effects on paper. Watercolor painting is a very powerful way to express one's feelings. Watercolor can be effectively used to represent the artistic vision of the artist on a piece of paper.

" It matters not when we start learning, for whoever attains it shall be the teacher" - this has been my motto for learning. Learning has no place for deception or self-deception; it is always humble and no indecisiveness, but just the focus to use water color to create dreams.


2017 年4月,彭钊的画作——黎明水上屋( Day Break- Pen and wash)

彭钊和画友在吉胆村五条巷 (Sungei Lima)写生,因为当时的位置没有遮阴之处,必须趁着大大的太阳还未晒到屁股,赶快把画完成。黎明时分,蚊虫嗅到人肉香味,齐齐出动。



2017年4月彭钊水彩作品——夏莲秋气 Lotus Series


有一回,彭钊电邮一则他的“作画理念——The Philosophy of Painting ”过来,要俺翻译成英文,说是可以让那些「歪果」画友也读一下。一开头如此写道:







可惜,俺的英文程度只得‘半桶水’ ,读到开头那段,就感到有点吃力,立即回复:




2017年3月彭钊画的:「农人好帮手——A Water Pump 」

「作画理念」(The Philosophy of Painting by Phang Chew) :

In one of those ancient sayings," Yin" and "Yang" means " Dao" which is a path/ way.
From Dao De Jing, it says: The Way generates the One ( the unity), One generates the Two ( heaven and earth), Two generates the Three ( Yin-Yang and Qi), Three produced All Things.
 Dao- the Way, Doctrine, Principle, signifies the primordial essence or fundamental nature of the universe.

The concept of Yin and Yang is often used to describe how opposite or contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Many natural dualities such as light and dark, high and low, hot and cold, fire and water, life and death and so on are thought of as physical manifestations of the yin-yang concept.

Through the harmonious balancing of opposites, the ying yang concept is being applied to the art of water color paintings. Based on balanced energies and the control of contrasting elements such as: value(light/dark) and texture ( thick/ thin) and brushwork ( sharp/ blurred), finally kaleidoscopic water color paintings are being created freely.
