




Je Suis Chien  German Shepherd French flag tribute

当年巴基斯坦第6任总统Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq,将其中大部分的钱给了宗教信仰最极端的阿富汗游击队领导人。1989年苏联撤离阿富汗,巴基斯坦军方和情报部门,继续支持伊斯兰极端分子,让他们在印属克什米尔地区搞斗争。

1994年,Benazir Bhutto的政府,也决定给与宗教狂热著称的前对抗苏联分子支持,称他们为塔利班,意即伊斯兰教的学生。在美国和巴基斯坦的支助下,塔利班於1996年控制了阿富汗首都 Kabul。


Je Suis Chien balaclava dog tribute



Je Suis Chien child tribute


11月18日凌晨时分,法国警方精锐部队的110名警员,带着反恐警犬Diesel (柴油)往圣德尼市中心一所公寓顶楼围剿恐怖分子。在突袭行动中,一名女嫌犯手持AK-47步枪向警方扫射,然后引爆身上的炸弹,身处最前线的Diesel 被炸成了碎片。Diesel 是一头7岁的比利时牧羊犬,曾经立下许多赫赫军功,接受过嗅出爆裂物的专业训练,所以牠会死死咬住身穿自杀式炸弹背心的女恐怖分子。

Diesel 殉职后,法国警方的官网布满了向“柴油”致敬和悼念的讯息。在推特上出现了一个新的热门标签——“Je suis chien” (我是狗狗)。全球各地网友用“ Je suis chien” 的标签发布了数万条推文,一些网友把自己的爱犬照片写上“Je suis chien ”,向法国英雄狗狗Diesel 致敬。一名法国警员说:“ 我们就像失去了一位挚爱的同袍。”

Image result for russia send a dog to the france police officer

俄罗斯已经决定送一只牧羊小犬给法国,以替代牺牲的警犬Diesel,小狗叫做Dobaynya。(那是以俄罗斯民间传说中,以能力、善良和勇气著称的英雄Dobrynya Nikitch 而命名)


转载:Ignorance and Indoctrination of Westerners Kills Millions

Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His latest books are: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and  Fighting Against Western Imperialism Discussion with Noam Chomsky: On Western TerrorismPoint of No Return is his critically acclaimed political novel. Oceania - a book on Western imperialism in the South Pacific. His provocative book about Indonesia: “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear”. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his websiteor his Twitter.

television TV

Our Planet Earth is heading straight towards the most dangerous collision in its history. It is not a collision with some foreign body, with an asteroid or a comet, but with the most brutal and selfish chunk of its own inhabitants: with people who proudly call themselves “members of the Western civilization.”
Again and again it is clearly demonstrated that Western culture, which the paramount psychologist Carl Jung used to call “pathology”, couldn’t be trusted.
This “culture” had already mercilessly slaughtered several hundreds of millions of people in all corners of the world; it enslaved entire continents, and plundered all that had any value, whether it was located above or under the surface of earth.

Inhabitants of Europe, the United States, as well as rulers of the client states, showed chilling indifference towards the suffering of their victims.
They also demonstrated utmost ignorance and the highest level of indoctrination!
For centuries, citizens of France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and other Western nations were staring at the battle ships leaving their shores, sailing towards Asia, Latin America and Africa … Mouths open wide; they were pretending that they did not really know what horrors these ships were going to spread. When the ships returned, packed with slaves and unimaginable booty, they shut down their brains, claimed ignorance once again, attributing thriving of their cities and states to some “Western ingenuity, enterprising spirit and hard work,” but definitely not to terror, rape and appalling plunder of the world.
What Germans did, gazing at the chimneys of the concentration camps that were regurgitating thick smoke of the victims of Holocaust and then claiming that “they did not know”, was exactly what all Europeans did for centuries and millennia, when their troops and “investments” into all sorts of Crusades, were looting and brutalizing everyone on the surface of our Planet.
Throughout the history, holocausts have been performed, again and again, all over Africa, in the Middle East, in Latin America, Caribbean, sub-Continent, and Asia Pacific, even in Oceania.
The Westerners never lifted a finger to stop crimes that their states have been committing! As long as they were getting fat, why should they? Their servile and cowardly intellectuals are still refusing, with some tiny exceptions that do not constitute even 1 percent, to depict gruesome destruction, humiliation and torment of “the others”. Western philosophers are locked at the sclerotic institutions called universities, whoring for tenures, instead of describing the world in all its sickening dismay. The media and artists are not fairing any better.
The role of Christianity has been vast and monstrous. In a foreseeable future I will dedicate an essay that will describe its responsibility for the global genocide, as well as a slender but provocative philosophic book on the same topic, co-authored with one of the leading Christian theologians. Christianity (even its non-religious forms called “secularism” or “atheism”) has been spreading intolerance, bigoted dogmas, exclusivism and complexes of superiority. It offered justification; it even inspired the crusades, colonial expansionism, mass murder as well as destruction of entire local cultures.
And yet, the same bandit nations, the same cowardly but sadistic culture, the same perverse religion, are still clinging to power, still torturing and murdering the millions.
Their gangrenous sisters, capitalism and nihilism, are brainwashing people all over the world, while driving them into dark valleys of despair.
It is because their weapons of mass destruction are the deadliest, their propaganda the most advanced, their opposition the most indoctrinated and their opposition almost non-existent!
War after war, genocide after genocide, the Westerners are still playing dumb! They refuse to acknowledge whet they are doing to the world.
When over 100 French people died during a bizarre recent string of attacks in Paris (who was behind them? West’s allies – jihadists, or maybe their own establishment?), Europeans began mourning their own victims – and pointing fingers at “the others”. People all over the world, either too scared to say “no” or too brainwashed as well, began expressing solidarity with the French nation.
Part of “The Jungle”, a terrible refugee camp near the French city of Calais, went ablaze. Refugees got attacked all over Europe, as “retaliation”. But retaliation for what? After all, refugees were only escaping their countries that were ruined and plundered by both Europe and the United States!
But this is not how a common European was instructed to see the world.
The common European and North American is much more submissive to the regime, than a common inhabitant of any other part of the world. He or she learns what is required to be learned, listens attentively what the media/propaganda people digest and serve. Debates are almost always within the permitted framework.
A common citizen of a Western country devours hours of bizarre entertainment daily (including “news entertainment”). They watch dozens of propaganda films and clips, every year. He or she can hardly make any distinction between reality and fiction, anymore. Such a citizen is willing to sacrifice billions of men, women and children all over the world just for their own material benefits and wellbeing.
All he or she knows, all he or she feels is (somehow abstractly) is that they are somehow “superior” to the rest of humanity; that their culture is exceptional and predestined to rule the world. All heor she senses is that he or she has the right to consume and to use all the natural resources of the world, and that their government can decide which country outside the Western realm should be allow to stand and which would be forced to fall.
Millions of human lives lost in the Middle East, tens of millions of men, women and children murdered by imperialism in Africa? Who cares? Who bloody cares? Westerner eats, copulates, sometimes works and then he either tries to enjoy his life, or he fights for much better benefits… for himself, or for herself. Rest of the world is there to provide or to subsidize such benefits; that is all.
The dumber they, the Westerners, are, the more self-assured and arrogant their worldview. You see people like this in a pub, but you also see them controlling all international organizations, even the UN agencies. Those big, beefy, tall Germans, Scandinavians, North Americans, Brits – speaking with air of a stone superiority to those “agile Asians, clumsy Africans and insecure Arabs”! Telling them what to do, how to run their societies. Absolutely no shame! You would never hear them lamenting: “We fucked up the world. We raped the planet. We are still doing it…” Never.
No apologies, no remorse, no grand plan for how to reverse the flow, how to return at least some part of what had been stolen and how to stop murdering.
Of course, everywhere you go, you read stuff like “May Peace Prevail on Earth!”
Yes, over 100 people died in Paris. Right before that, almost 50 died in Beirut, Lebanon. While thousands are dying in Yemen, every month… While 17,000 already vanished in Iran – victims of West-sponsored terrorism… While hundreds of thousands have been dying in Libya and Syria… While millions have been dying in Somalia and Iraq… While some 10 millions already died in a looted and raped DRC (the Democratic Republic of Congo) … All of them victims of Western assaults and banditry or of Western-sponsored terrorism directly!
All those Mujahedeen, al-Qaida, al-Nusra, IS… That entire Wahhabi fundamentalism created first by the British and later North American imperialism. All that vile, toxic stuff that had been armed, and financed and serviced by the Europeans, as well as Saudis, Turks and other great allies of the West.
And why was that stinky stuff so diligently armed and financed? So it could ruin and destroy progressive, socialist Islam, from Egypt to Iran to Indonesia! So it could destroy the Soviet Union and any Marxist roots in Afghanistan! So it could murder millions of progressive people in those proud and independent nations. So the West could rule, unopposed, grabbing all it wants, deciding who will be governing where!
Now Russia stands against the terror with its fighter jets. Its bombers are flying sorties for survival of this humanity. Just recently, Russia already paid a tremendous price, and we all know what it was. But it is used to paying unimaginable prices, for the survival of our planet. 25 million human lives in just one war, in order to defeat Nazism. Or great chunk of economic output of the USSR, “just” in order to defeat Western imperialism and colonialism.
China sent military advisers, and is standing by, rock solid, shoulder-to-shoulder Russia.
Syria managed to shock the world by refusing to surrender, by fighting with unimaginable heroism against all odds. Half of its people are on the move, millions of refugees are flooding all shores, but the country is standing tall, injured and bleeding but standing, nevertheless.
And so is Latin America, despite all those vicious attacks from the West. Standing, damn it, standing towering and proud!
And those ignorant, selfish, brutal hordes in the West see nothing. They repeat propaganda injected to their heads, providing slight variations to it, calling it freedom of expression!
After the “Paris attacks”, Western propaganda is in top gear once again. Its apparatchiks were clearly “prepared and ready”. Future direct attacks against Syria are already “justified” well in advance. Not against ISIS (although that would be the official pretext), but against President al-Assad and his government which is, despite everything, supported by the majority of Syrian people. Attacks against Syria will not be called “Western terrorism”, but something like a “heroic revenge”.
Can this planet be entrusted to those who watch crap on their television screens, day after day – both Hollywood propaganda production, and news propaganda briefings?
Can anything that comes from the West be taken seriously, after centuries of lies and murder?
Who is killing whom, lately? Who is behind what?
I will stick to what I know. And what I know is who is actually killing millions in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
I will not speculate about some “insider job” of the Empire, although I have some strong suspicions; of course I do! For now I will only stick to facts that I can prove.
And the facts are simple and horrendous: the Empire has been murdering tens of millions of people on our planet. The Empire, and that self-perpetuated ignorance, fundamentalism and blindness of its indoctrinated citizens!



1933年,霹雳州Gopeng 有家法国人经营的锡矿公司-Societe Francaise des Mines d'Etain de Takka, 在金马仑碧兰璋(Brinchang)Kamunting Road 的一个山丘上,建了一栋英国式别墅,叫做French Tekka bungalow。英殖民政府和马来亚共产党对抗时期(1948-1960),别墅易名为 Moonlight bungalow。

1967年3月26日,一名惯常到金马仑度假并下榻在 Moonlight bungalow 的“红毛人”,下午时分,独自在别墅附近的森林散步,从此就消失得无影无踪。

失踪的可是一个大有来头的“红毛人”,他就是上世纪50、60年代著名的泰国丝绸大王——James Harrison Wilson Thompson。

Jim Thompson是美国人,1906年出生,最初是一名建筑师,曾任职美国CIA前身(OSS)情报机关。第二次世界大战时,被派到泰国,战后,金汤森负责在泰国的美国中央情报局事务 (OSS 在1947年正式成为了CIA-Central Intelligence Agency),并成功在当地展开他的泰丝事业版图。

泰国丝绸大王在金马仑闹失踪,这宗新闻让当年寂寂无名的金马仑高原,霎时在国际间声名大噪。其实,在金马仑别墅附近的森林里,有许多羊肠小径可以直接通往镇上去。据金汤森的好友透露,金汤森最喜欢在附近的森林里寻觅新的幽径。在金马仑,通常人们迷失在森林里也是很平常的事,只要叫Orang Asli 往林里找一找,很快就可以把人给找出来的。

寻找金汤森的队伍,包括对森林瞭如指掌的原住民、警察森林搜救队、英军的廓尔喀部队(army ghurkas ),连美军的直升机,也从泰国美军基地,飞往金马仑参加搜救行动。

平时,如果看到有直升机,金马仑居民就知道,那一定是有什么大人物要到金马仑了。金汤森失踪事件发生后,不仅直升机每天来来回回起起落落,就连军人和警察,也在丹那拉达(Tanah Rata )扎营,总动员扩大搜救范围。(Moonlight bungalow 地处於碧兰璋和丹那拉达之间)



诚如一名作者所言:“Losing your founder in the jungle is an extreme form of marketing, but nothing sells better than gossip and intrigue.”

往后,Jim Thompson丝绸名闻全球,营业额大增,许多有关金汤森的书籍陆续出版,而金汤森在金马仑的失踪事件,至今过了48年,依然是一件无头公案。
 至於金马仑的Moonlight bungalow 也改名为 Jim Thompson cottage。金马仑高原度假村有一条小径叫做 Jim Thompson Mystery Trail,草莓园度假村也设有Jim Thompson 露天茶座,还可以在那里order 一个Jim Thompson burger。



从新邦波赖到金马仑,首先会经过 Kampung Raja,然后就是游客的聚焦点——碧兰璋的Kea Farm,全程应该是不会超过2个小时。Kea Farm目前是金马仑最高海拔的一个村落,大约是1610米。在周末和假日期间,这里总是人潮汹涌,车龙排到几公里远,大部分都是从Gua Musang ( Kelantan-吉兰丹)和 Bentong ( Pahang-彭亨)过来的马来游客,众人都挤往那些pasar malam 和 pasar pagi。

在大路上塞车塞了整整1个小时,好不容易才转到菜市场后面的民宿。民宿主人在这块小小的土地上建了几个小房间出租给游客,平时在空地上种菜,连屋前的小小空间也租给人家泊车,看来这个uncle 挺有生意头脑。



在金马仑,非法开垦活动猖獗的程度,简直令人咋舌。乌洞公司旗下的地方和州政府,根本就没有积极去执行应尽的任务。据说从2008年开始,政府就没有发放过任何新的TOL准证,然而却会有不少人利用旧的临时TOL去开发原始森林。有更厉害的,持着买通了某某单位,有人甚至可以明目张胆去砍伐燃烧道路旁的森林树木。还有更加离谱的是,据R.E.A.C.H. ( Regional Environmental Awareness Cameron Highlands)披露,以每亩地计算,本地人得付某某单位一个特定价格,而对於那些身为外国人的外劳,某某单位却仅收一半的价钱。乌洞公司旗下的贪官污吏,不择手段,不顾后果,只为了获得更多的「孔方兄」,竟然连番薯邦唯一的高原土地也被极尽利用,极尽摧残。就连外劳也可以目无法纪、肆无忌惮、大剌剌的在番薯子民的土地上,搞耕种赚钱的玩意儿。


2014年11月5日傍晚,一场大雨再度造成金马仑冷力河上游山洪爆发,湍急浊黄洪水冲击冷力新村河岸两旁的30多间房屋,也把多辆汽车冲毁;同时,金马仑多个地方也遭受洪水肆虐。番薯政府发动了所谓的象牙行动(Operasi Gading),出动了军警等16个部门去摧毁金马仑的非法菜园、花园和草莓园。
其实,「象牙行动」的主要对象,本该是那些不断开垦的大园主、大型的建筑发展商,尤其是众多的高级公寓,难道那不是导致土崩的其中一个原因么?据说R.E.A.C.H. 也曾经尝试去投诉,因为涉及到big money,结果是状告无门。





话说在1885年,英殖民政府委托一个名叫William Cameron的英国测量师绘制马来亚地图, 有次来到彭亨州和霹雳州边境地区测量的英国佬,误打误撞之下,在彭亨州的西北部,发现了一大片有着平缓山坡的高原土地。这里的温度常年介於摄氏15度C到25度C之间,风凉水冷,大白天在太阳底下也不会流汗,舒服得不得了!既然是Cameron 发现的高原土地,所以就顺带命名为金马仑高原了。

到了1925年,当时的英殖民高级专员George Maxwell 去了一趟金马仑高原视察后,就决定把这座超过海拔1500米、被浓密森林层层叠叠覆盖着的美丽高原发展为避暑胜地。更成立了所谓的农业试验所,以确定金鸡纳树(Cinchona or quina)、茶、咖啡、水果和蔬菜等等农作物,是否适合在此环境种植。

从1928年开始,用了将近3年的时间,一条耗资3百万的公路终於完工,从Tapah (打巴) 绕着山腰往上直达 Tanah Rata (丹那拉达)。施工期间,据说有375名造路工人,曾经染上疟疾(malaria) 发高烧进医院。(由金鸡纳树皮提炼的圭宁-Quinine,俗称金鸡纳霜,就是最有效的抗疟药。)

记得孩提时,家里的大人常对咱们这群小毛头说:“ 你们要勤力读书,长大后赚了钱,就可以去金马仑吃风,住红毛酒店;如果懒惰不读书的话,以后就只好去金马仑种菜种番薯咯!”

金马仑气候凉爽、风景优美,只不过,从打巴到丹那拉达那条山路的许多弯弯曲曲,对好些人来说,是一项不简单的考验。当车子不停的左拐拐、右拐拐,才往左边转了一个弯,坐在汽车后座的乘客,刚刚勉强把从胃里往喉咙冒上来的那股酸气给压了下去,车子又开始往右拐了。驾驶者得打起十二分精神,每次拐弯前必须鸣笛,因为山壁挡住了视线,根本看不到前方来的车辆。一时间,bin bin bong bong 的车笛声响,在山谷间来回飘荡。

到了半山,迎面凉风习习,沿途有光着身子的 Orang Asli (原住民),向过往的车子挥手打照呼;摇下车窗,孩子们兴奋的挥手回应:“ Hello ! Hello ! ”  偶尔也可以看到悬崖边上停着一辆车,车旁有人蹲着在拼命呕吐。

到金马仑,一定要带上外套保暖,在山上,呼吸的空气是冷飕飕的,山上的水也是冰凉冰凉的,到处还可以看到皮肤白白的红毛人;对住在山下几乎天天汗流浃背的小毛头来说,这一切实在是新鲜有趣又太好玩了!下山后,小孩双颊红红的两坨有如涂上了胭脂,左邻右舍迎面问道:“ 啊!你是不是去金马仑吃风来啦?”


1952年,从中国撤出的教会学校Chefoo School,也来到金马仑建校。Chefoo School 是著名校风严谨的英国式学校,课本和教授全采用英制。第一所Chefoo School建於1881年在中国山东省的烟台市,创办人为传教士James Hudson Taylor ,学生都是海外传教士的子女。1960年,Chefoo School於金马仑碧兰璋(Brinchang)一块6依格的高原土地上,竖起了一栋新的建筑物。时过境迁,40年以后,已经很难在金马仑看到白白皮肤的红毛人了,Chefoo School 也因为学生人数逐年减少,终於在2001年关闭,产业转售给马来西亚基督教会。

从1994年开始,在南下怡保11公里的新邦波赖(Simpang Pulai)建造另一条上金马仑的道路,搞了10年,直到2003年方完成通车。新的道路比较宽阔,没有很多拐弯,去金马仑的游客也自然大大增加。

殖民时期,英国人就有意要把金马仑高原,打造成另外一个有如斯利兰卡的美丽高山茶乡——Nuwara Eliya。百多年以后,Nuwara Eliya 还能保存着它的纯朴与美丽,不幸的是,金马仑却沦落到了一个悲惨的境地!