

“ 善知识!大家不是说「众生无边势愿度」么?这么说,是各位自性自度而不是惠能度。


邪见来时用正见度,执迷来时用觉悟度,愚痴来时用智慧度,恶念来时用善念度,这样来度心中众生( negative thoughts) ,就叫做「真度」。







MH 17-伪旗行动(false flag)的祭品

话说自从美国9.11 事件发生后,接下来有Sandy Hook 小学枪击事件、2012年科罗拉多Aurora 的电影院枪击事件、连荷里活制片和导演Nathan Folks 也认为是大骗局的2013年Boston 马拉松爆炸案等等等等,难怪美国电视红人幽浮专家(Ufologist)Richard Michael Dolan 说,这是一个伪旗行动的时代(false flag era)。

Richard Michael Dolan 阐述:“False flag operations require control over the global media narrative and the ability to intimidate other countries into not speaking out against " inside jobs", only a few countries have the means and motives to pull them off.

 The false flag phenomenon is distinctively modern and used as an ideological weapon to control populations with the fear of a manufactured enemy. They are used in ostensibly democratic systems where people believe they have inalienable rights, Such democratic systems- primarily the United States, Israel, and Great Britain- must shock people into sociopolitical and geopolitical consent and, as such, required sophisticated modern propaganda systems and advanced covert operations teams with highly proficient skills. ”

2014年7月17日,一架波音777马航班机MH17,从阿姆斯特丹飞往吉隆坡途中,在乌克兰东部靠近俄罗斯边界的Donetsk Oblast坠毁,机上298人全部罹难。事件发生后,美国立即跳出来指责俄罗斯参与了MH17被导弹击落的事件。而乌克兰反政府武装部队,却力指凶手是亲美的乌克兰政府。

Ulson Gunnar 是驻纽约的一名geopolitical analyst (地缘政治分析) 和作家,2015年10月14日,他在网络杂志“New Eastern Outlook ” 写道:

“At best, the United States, it's NATO allies and the regime they have collectively created in Kiev, Ukraine, will be able to claim Russia, or militans defending eastern Ukraine from Kiev's armed incursions, accidentally shot down Malaysia Airlines flight 17 ( MH17) after air controllers in Kiev recklessly sent it on a course over a battlefield other airlines had made a point to circumvent.

At worst,  the US and its junior partners across Europe and the remnants of the British Commonwealth, will be implicated either in shooting it down accidentally themselves, or worse still, shooting it down on purpose in order to frame Russia and anti-regime militants in eastern Ukraine.”

2015年10月13日,荷兰安全委员会公布MH17 空难调查最终报告,称客机是被山毛榉导弹击落,不过,报告全文没有放出,只是通报了结论而已。

The Dutch Safety Board (DSB) 以及the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) ,在报告中有关MH17 残骸附近的山毛榉导弹碎片是这样写着的:

“ The parts are of particular interest to the criminal investigation as they can possibly provide more information about who was involved in the crash of MH17. For that reason the JIT further investigates the origin of this parts, The JIT will internationally enlist the help of experts, among others forensic specialists and weapon-experts.

 At present the conclusion cannot be drawn that there is a causal connection between the discovered parts and the crash of flight MH17.

The JIT conducts the criminal investigation and the DSB the investigation into the cause of the crash. Both investigations are conducted separately but JIT and DSB occasionally share material. In its final report the DSB will report on the discovered parts.”

荷兰方面明明说不能证明导弹碎片和MH17 空难划上等号,可是西方主流媒体就偏偏把事实扭曲来误导蒙混读者,如BBC报道的大大标题是:
“ MH17:Russian-made missile parts at Ukraine crash site ”

Guardian 的标题则是:“ MH17 crash: Fragments of Russian missile BUK launcher found at crash site ”

当人们一看到‘Russian’ 这个字,脑筋连转都没转一下,立刻就下结论:俄罗斯用导弹打下了MH17!(可见西方主流媒体,实在是伪旗行动的最佳配合者之一。)




俗语有说,纸包唔住火,任何谎言最终都会被戳破,任何阴谋最终一定会水落石出。马航MH370 失踪和MH17 空难事件,并非如新闻报道般的简单,事实摆明存在着太多不合理的现象,以及疑点重重。

MH17 事件发生不足24小时内,Youtube 已经发布了一则由乌克兰军事情报部门制作的影片。后来有人把这段影片分析,发现影片的制作日期是7月16日。乌克兰政府军方情报人员,在MH17 事发前一天,已制作了这段窃听片段来证明叛军曾使用导弹击落飞机,WHY?

MH17 事件发生后,俄罗斯总统普京提出了10大疑点,包括:
MH17 客机偏离原定航道靠北飞行,乌克兰航空指挥当局,为何容许MH17飞进反恐战区?等等等等----------


俄罗斯指出,事发时,雷达上显现2架乌克兰SU-25 战机尾随着MH17,当是正是MH17坠落的时间和位置。俄政府在记者招待会上展示当时的航空记录,证明有亲美国的乌克兰政府军的战机,在MH17后方尾随,然后MH17 就从雷达上消失。MH17 是很有可能被乌克兰政府战机击落,而西方政府则完全没有回应相关指控。

其实,在2014年7月30日,著名德国机师也是航空专家的Peter Haisenko,就他对MH17 残骸的仔细研究和分析,在报告中写道:

“The facts speak clear and loud and are beyond the realm of speculation: The cockpit shows traces of shelling! You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean., showing the entry points likely that of a 30 millimeter caliber projectile.

~~~~This aircraft was not hit by a missile in the central portion. The destruction is limited to the cockpit area. Now you have to factor in that this part is constructed of specially reinforced material.

~~~~~If we now consider the armament of a typical SU25 we learn this : It is equipped with a double- barreled 30-mm gun, type GSh-302/AO-17A, equipped with a 250 round magazine of anti-tank incendiary shells and splinter-explosive shells (dum-dum), arranged in alternating order. The cockpit of the MH17 has evidently been fired at from both sides : the entry and exit holes are found on the same fragment of it's cockpit segment. ”

Image result for peter haisenko mh17

根据多年驾驶大型航空客机的机组人员指出,一架由荷兰飞往马来西亚的长途航班,飞机必定是注满汽油的。MH17 只是飞行了一小半的路程而已,如果是在3万3千尺高空被导弹击中爆炸坠毁,尸体也应该是被炸得肢离破碎的,偏偏在飞机残骸附近,就遍布着不少较完整的尸体。乌克兰叛军在搬运尸体时,发现那些尸体都是没有血的,现场也没有任何血迹,尸体好像已死去多日和被抽干血似的。

Dr Michael Baden, the former chief medical examiner of New York City and chief forensic pathologist for the New York State Police says: “Many of the victims did exhibit minor burns and shrapnel wounds, most of which appeared non-lethal. He says this suggests that some of the passengers could have been alive and even conscious during their decent.”

如果MH17 的乘客从3万3千尺高空坠下还能够是活人一个的,那真是奇迹中的奇迹咯!


MH-17 Baggage on ground



有一名叫做Cor Pan 的乘客,在阿姆斯特丹机场登机前,拍了一张MH17的照片,上载到 Facebook ,还写上:“Should it vanish,this is what it looks like.  ”

这个本名是Cor Schilder的Cor Pan,好像能预测未来,真的就搭上了出意外的飞机。空难发生后的第二天,Cor Pan 放在脸书上的MH17 的照片,被分享了2万9千次。

一名读者Darryn Letley指出:“ If you look at the registration on the nose wheel, you will notice the letters ' RC ' , meaning that the registration of that plane is 9M-MRC. The plane that crashed has the registration 9M-MRD. Both planes are the same type, Boeing 777-200 registered to Malaysian Airlines.  ”

还有更奇怪的事情,原来MH17 航班明明是已经被取消了的,那架坠毁的究竟是什么飞机啊?




Image result for tpp

经过了5年的谈判,2015年10月5日在美国亚特兰大,来自12个国家的代表终於达成协议,要在亚太区建立一个复盖全球经济40%,所谓的最大自由贸易区;这个就是近日在国际间最热门话题、可也是问题一箩箩、又神秘兮兮、让人们疑虑连连的「泛太平洋伙伴关系协议」(The Trans-Pacific Partnership ),简称TPP。


TPP 谈判所涉及的议体非常复杂,谈判过程半点也不透明。有趣的是,没有任何一个参与TPP 制定的国家,曾经公布过TPP 的细则,而唯一可以让世人窥探到TPP 内容的文件,竟然是来自於WikiLeaks (维基解密)。



为了实现亚太“ 再平衡”战略,美国用TPP 这个贸易工具,除了确保美国在全球经济和科技创新竞争中,永远保持绝对优势,同时可以把整个亚太地区,牢牢牵制在其掌控中。

“ ----It was one of the important parts of America's rebalance to Asia. In fact you might not expect to hear this from a secretary of defence, but in terms of the rebalance in its broader sense, TPP is as important to me as another aircraft carrier-------” by Ashton Carter.

虽然奥巴马大言不惭的说,TPP协定为美国的农业、畜牧业和制造业,提供了一个公平的环境。美国民众获得了他们应有的同等待遇。可是,美国当地工会组织、环保机构、消费者维权组织、医疗保健机构,多次组织民众前往亚特兰大市区TPP 谈判所在附近游行抗议,许多抗议者聚集在会议酒店门前,高喊“停止TPP”。

福特汽车已经首先跳出来,要美国国会拒绝TPP 贸易协议。反对者称,TPP是专门以维护某些大企业而设,平民老百姓根本不会得益。一旦TPP实施后,许多不利於人民的问题将会产生,如汇率操纵、环境和健康保护、食品安全、药品垄断、网络隐私权、政府的透明度等等,完全受TPP 所控制。
反对者更表示,从WikiLeaks泄漏出来的内容,TPP 在贸易方面仅约略带过,提到最多的反而是地缘政治的操纵,以及如何对参与国家的贸易投资进行企业统治。

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says, it's being driven by the interests of corporations, and will do little for the well being of citizens. The fact that negotiations are being carried out in secret has only served to enflame such criticism. The little we know about the TPP has come from negotiation leaks; we won't even know what's in the final agreement until it's already been signed.

其实TPP不是单纯的调降关税,还包括令人闻之色变的「投资人与地主国之间争端解决机制」(Investor to State Dispute Settlement)简称ISDS。这个机制,被许多国家和公益团体视为 “让跨国财团利益,凌驾於国家主权,包括宪法与公共利益之上的恶法”。



巴拉圭政府下令扩大香烟警语,就被美国烟草公司Philip Morris 透过ISDS机制而挨告。澳洲也曾因制定烟草商品税课征、限制烟草行销费用、加强禁烟等规定,反被 Philip Morris 指控侵犯了商标权,并被要求陪偿高达几百万澳币。

为了纠正过去种族隔离政策的错误,南非政府修法,让有色人种也能参加丰厚利润的矿业开发。却被长期控制南非资源的欧洲利益团体杯葛,透过ISDS 告上国际仲裁法庭。当南非政府打算依据宪法来落实诸如废除种族隔离政策等改革时,反被ISDS恶法所牵制。

通常,美国对药品专利权的保护期大约为10年,但在TPP谈判中,美国的大型制药公司,要求把药品专利权的保护期延长到20年以上。如此一来,发展中国家的药价就会直线上升,美国的Big Pharma 好像:Johnson & Johnson,、Pfizer、Merk、Eli Lilly、 Abbott、 Bristol Myers Squibb等,就能够继续肆无忌惮的赚取更巨大的利益,控制了许多挽救生命的药物,让数百万计负担不起药价的病患在痛苦中死去。

“The big losers in the TPP are patients and treatment providers in developing countries. ” said Doctors Without Borders/ Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) , calling TPP “ the worst trade agreement for access to medicines in developing countries, which will be forced to change their laws to incorporate abusive intellectual property protections for pharmaceutical companies. ”

话说番薯邦,日前,其中一个在拿鸡怖办公室当擦鞋童的麻花党员灰加降对记者说,如果番薯邦不争取TPP,好处就会被他人全捞光了。灰加降也没忘记拚命赞扬叫做墓尸大法的做生意部长,原因是拿鸡怖在推特上公布,它已经把TPP 这游戏交给墓尸大法去玩了。灰加降说墓尸大法非常勤力又用功,对TPP内容瞭如指掌。麻花党会长尿重濑也帮忙往乌洞主子脚上添抹鞋油,宣布麻花党全力支持TPP。







Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the U.N. General Assembly on Monday and said the West was making an "enormous mistake" by not cooperating with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the fight against the Islamic State militant group. Here is the full text of his remarks.

PUTIN (THROUGH INTERPRETER): Your excellency Mr. President, your excellency Mr. Secretary General, distinguished heads of state and government, ladies and gentlemen, the 70th anniversary of the United Nations is a good occasion to both take stock of history and talk about our common future.
In 1945, the countries that defeated Nazism joined their efforts to lay solid foundations for the postwar world order.
But I remind you that the key decisions on the principles guiding the cooperation among states, as well as on the establishment of the United Nations, were made in our country, in Yalta, at the meeting of the anti-Hitler coalition leaders.
The Yalta system was actually born in travail. It was won at the cost of tens of millions of lives and two world wars.
This swept through the planet in the 20th century.
Let us be fair. It helped humanity through turbulent, at times dramatic, events of the last seven decades. It saved the world from large-scale upheavals.
The United Nations is unique in its legitimacy, representation and universality. It is true that lately the U.N. has been widely criticized for supposedly not being efficient enough, and for the fact that the decision-making on fundamental issues stalls due to insurmountable differences, first of all, among the members of the Security Council.
However, I'd like to point out there have always been differences in the U.N. throughout all these 70 years of existence. The veto right has always been exercised by the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China, the Soviet Union and Russia later, alike. It is absolutely natural for so diverse and representative an organization.
When the U.N. was established, its founders did not in the least think that there would always be unanimity. The mission of the organization is to seek and reach compromises, and its strength comes from taking different views and opinions into consideration. Decisions debated within the U.N. are either taken as resolutions or not. As diplomats say, they either pass or do not pass.
Whatever actions any state might take bypassing this procedure are illegitimate. They run counter to the charter and defy international law. We all know that after the end of the Cold War — everyone is aware of that — a single center of domination emerged in the world, and then those who found themselves at the top of the pyramid were tempted to think that if they were strong and exceptional, they knew better and they did not have to reckon with the U.N., which, instead of [acting to] automatically authorize and legitimize the necessary decisions, often creates obstacles or, in other words, stands in the way.
It has now become commonplace to see that in its original form, it has become obsolete and completed its historical mission. Of course, the world is changing and the U.N. must be consistent with this natural transformation. Russia stands ready to work together with its partners on the basis of full consensus, but we consider the attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the United Nations as extremely dangerous. They could lead to a collapse of the entire architecture of international organizations, and then indeed there would be no other rules left but the rule of force.
We would get a world dominated by selfishness rather than collective work, a world increasingly characterized by dictate rather than equality. There would be less of a chain of democracy and freedom, and that would be a world where true independent states would be replaced by an ever-growing number of de facto protectorates and externally controlled territories.
What is the state sovereignty, after all, that has been mentioned by our colleagues here? It is basically about freedom and the right to choose freely one's own future for every person, nation and state. By the way, dear colleagues, the same holds true of the question of the so-called legitimacy of state authority. One should not play with or manipulate words.
Every term in international law and international affairs should be clear, transparent and have uniformly understood criteria. We are all different, and we should respect that. No one has to conform to a single development model that someone has once and for all recognized as the only right one. We should all remember what our past has taught us.

We also remember certain episodes from the history of the Soviet Union. Social experiments for export, attempts to push for changes within other countries based on ideological preferences, often led to tragic consequences and to degradation rather than progress.
It seemed, however, that far from learning from others' mistakes, everyone just keeps repeating them, and so the export of revolutions, this time of so-called democratic ones, continues. It would suffice to look at the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, as has been mentioned by previous speakers. Certainly political and social problems in this region have been piling up for a long time, and people there wish for changes naturally.
But how did it actually turn out? Rather than bringing about reforms, an aggressive foreign interference has resulted in a brazen destruction of national institutions and the lifestyle itself. Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster. Nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life.
I cannot help asking those who have caused the situation, do you realize now what you've done? But I am afraid no one is going to answer that. Indeed, policies based on self-conceit and belief in one's exceptionality and impunity have never been abandoned.
It is now obvious that the power vacuum created in some countries of the Middle East and North Africa through the emergence of anarchy areas,  which immediately started to be filled with extremists and terrorists.
Tens of thousands of militants are fighting under the banners of the so-called Islamic State. Its ranks include former Iraqi servicemen who were thrown out into the street after the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Many recruits also come from Libya, a country whose statehood was destroyed as a result of a gross violation of the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973. And now, the ranks of radicals are being joined by the members of the so-called moderate Syrian opposition supported by the Western countries.
First, they are armed and trained and then they defect to the so-called Islamic State. Besides, the Islamic State itself did not just come from nowhere. It was also initially forged as a tool against undesirable secular regimes.
Having established a foothold in Iraq and Syria, the Islamic State has begun actively expanding to other regions. It is seeking dominance in the Islamic world. And not only there, and its plans go further than that. The situation is more than dangerous.
In these circumstances, it is hypocritical and irresponsible to make loud declarations about the threat of international terrorism while turning a blind eye to the channels of financing and supporting terrorists, including the process of trafficking and illicit trade in oil and arms. It would be equally irresponsible to try to manipulate extremist groups and place them at one's service in order to achieve one's own political goals in the hope of later dealing with them or, in other words, liquidating them.
To those who do so, I would like to say — dear sirs, no doubt you are dealing with rough and cruel people, but they're in no way primitive or silly. They are just as clever as you are, and you never know who is manipulating whom. And the recent data on arms transferred to this most moderate opposition is the best proof of it.
We believe that any attempts to play games with terrorists, let alone to arm them, are not just short-sighted, but fire hazardous (ph). This may result in the global terrorist threat increasing dramatically and engulfing new regions, especially given that Islamic State camps train militants from many countries, including the European countries.
Unfortunately, dear colleagues, I have to put it frankly: Russia is not an exception. We cannot allow these criminals who already tasted blood to return back home and continue their evil doings. No one wants this to happen, does he?Russia has always been consistently fighting against terrorism in all its forms.
 Today, we provide military and technical assistance both to Iraq and Syria and many other countries of the region who are fighting terrorist groups.
We think it is an enormous mistake to refuse to cooperate with the Syrian government and its armed forces, who are valiantly fighting terrorism face to face. We should finally acknowledge that no one but President Assad's armed forces and Kurdish militias are truly fighting the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations in Syria.
We know about all the problems and contradictions in the region, but we definitely have to consider the actual situation on the ground. 
Dear colleagues, I must note that such an honest and frank approach of Russia has been recently used as a pretext to accuse it of its growing ambitions, as if those who say it have no ambitions at all.
However, it's not about Russia's ambitions, dear colleagues, but about the recognition of the fact that we can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world. What we actually propose is to be guided by common values and common interests, rather than ambitions.
On the basis of international law, we must join efforts to address the problems that all of us are facing and create a genuinely broad international coalition against terrorism.
Similar to the anti-Hitler coalition, it could unite a broad range of forces that are resolutely resisting those who, just like the Nazis, sow evil and hatred of humankind. 

And, naturally, the Muslim countries are to play a key role in the coalition, even more so because the Islamic State does not only pose a direct threat to them, but also desecrates one of the greatest world religions by its bloody crimes.
The ideologists  of militants make a mockery of Islam and pervert its true humanistic values. I would like to address Muslim spiritual leaders, as well. Your authority and your guidance are of great importance right now.
It is essential to prevent people recruited by militants from making hasty decisions and those who have already been deceived, and who, due to various circumstances found themselves among terrorists, need help in finding a way back to normal life, laying down arms, and putting an end to fratricide.

Russia will shortly convene, as the  current president of the Security Council, a ministerial meeting to carry out a comprehensive analysis of threats in the Middle East.
First of all, we propose discussing whether it is possible to agree on a resolution aimed at coordinating the actions of all the forces that confront the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations. Once again, this coordination should be based on the principles of the U.N. Charter.
We hope that the international community will be able to develop a comprehensive strategy of political stabilization, as well as social and economic recovery, of the Middle East.
Then, dear friends, there would be no need for new refugee camps. Today, the flow of people who were forced to leave their homeland has literally engulfed first neighboring countries and then Europe itself. There were hundreds of thousands of them now, and there might be millions before long. In fact, it is a new great and tragic migration of peoples, and it is a harsh lesson for all of us, including Europe.
I would like to stress refugees undoubtedly need our compassion and support. However, the — on the way to solve this problem at a fundamental level is to restore their statehood where it has been destroyed, to strengthen the government institutions where they still exist or are being reestablished, to provide comprehensive assistance of military, economic and material nature to countries in a difficult situation. And certainly, to those people who, despite all the ordeals, will not abandon their homes. Literally, any assistance to sovereign states can and must be offered rather than imposed exclusively and solely in accordance with the U.N. Charter.
In other words, everything in this field that has been done or will be done pursuant to the norms of international law must be supported by our organization. Everything that contravenes the U.N. Charter must be rejected. Above all, I believe it is of the utmost importance to help restore government's institutions in Libya, support the new government of Iraq and provide comprehensive assistance to the legitimate government of Syria.

Dear colleagues, ensuring peace and regional and global stability remains the key objective of the international community with the U.N. at its helm. We believe this means creating a space of equal and indivisible security, which is not for the select few but for everyone. Yet, it is a challenge and complicated and time-consuming task, but there is simply no other alternative. However, the bloc thinking of the times of the Cold War and the desire to explore new geopolitical areas is still present among some of our colleagues.

First, they continue their policy of expanding NATO. What for? If the Warsaw Bloc stopped its existence, the Soviet Union have collapsed and, nevertheless, the NATO continues expanding as well as its military infrastructure. Then they offered the poor Soviet countries a false choice: either to be with the West or with the East. Sooner or later, this logic of confrontation was bound to spark off a grave geopolitical crisis. This is exactly what happened in Ukraine, where the discontent of population with the current authorities was used and the military coup was orchestrated from outside — that triggered a civil war as a result.

We're confident that only through full and faithful implementation of the Minsk agreements of February 12th, 2015, can we put an end to the bloodshed and find a way out of the deadlock. Ukraine's territorial integrity cannot be ensured by threat of force and force of arms. What is needed is a genuine consideration for the interests and rights of the people in the Donbas region and respect for their choice. There is a need to coordinate with them as provided for by the Minsk agreements, the key elements of the country's political structure. These steps will guarantee that Ukraine will develop as a civilized society, as an essential link and building a common space of security and economic cooperation, both in Europe and in Eurasia.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have mentioned these common space of economic cooperation on purpose. Not long ago, it seemed that in the economic sphere, with its objective market loss, we would launch a leaf (ph) without dividing lines. We would build on transparent and jointly formulated rules, including the WTO principles, stipulating the freedom of trade, and investment and open competition.

Nevertheless, today, unilateral sanctions circumventing the U.N. Charter have become commonplace, in addition to pursuing political objectives. The sanctions serve as a means of eliminating competitors.
I would like to point out another sign of a growing economic selfishness. Some countries [have] chosen to create closed economic associations, with the establishment being negotiated behind the scenes, in secret from those countries' own citizens, the general public, business community and from other countries.
Other states whose interests may be affected are not informed of anything, either. It seems that we are about to be faced with an accomplished fact that the rules of the game have been changed in favor of a narrow group of the privileged, with the WTO having no say. This could unbalance the trade system completely and disintegrate the global economic space.

These issues affect the interest of all states and influence the future of the world economy as a whole. That is why we propose discussing them within the U.N. WTO NGO (ph) '20.
Contrary to the policy of exclusiveness, Russia proposes harmonizing original economic projects. I refer to the so-called integration of integrations based on universal and transparent rules of international trade. As an example, I would like to cite our plans to interconnect the Eurasian economic union, and China's initiative of the Silk Road economic belt.
We still believe that harmonizing the integration processes within the Eurasian Economic Union and the European Union is highly promising.

Ladies and gentlemen, the issues that affect the future of all people include the challenge of global climate change. It is in our interest to make the U.N. Climate Change Conference to be held in December in Paris a success.
As part of our national contribution, we plan to reduce by 2030 the greenhouse emissions to 70, 75 percent of the 1990 level.

I suggest, however, we should take a wider view on this issue. Yes, we might defuse the problem for a while, by setting quotas on harmful emissions or by taking other measures that are nothing but tactical. But we will not solve it that way. We need a completely different approach.
We have to focus on introducing fundamental and new technologies inspired by nature, which would not damage the environment, but would be in harmony with it. Also, that would allow us to restore the balance upset by biosphere and technosphere (ph) upset by human activities.
It is indeed a challenge of planetary scope, but I'm confident that humankind has intellectual potential to address it. We need to join our efforts. I refer, first of all, to the states that have a solid research basis and have made significant advances in fundamental science.
We propose convening a special forum under the U.N. auspices for a comprehensive consideration of the issues related to the depletion of natural resources, destruction of habitat and climate change.
Russia would be ready to co-sponsor such a forum.

Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, it was on the 10th of January, 1946, in London that the U.N. General Assembly gathered for its first session.
Mr. Suleta (ph) (inaudible), a Colombian diplomat and the chairman of the Preparatory Commission, opened the session by giving, I believe, a concise definition of the basic principles that the U.N. should follow in its activities, which are free will, defiance of scheming and trickery and spirit of cooperation.

尊敬的女士们,先生们,同僚们。1946年1月10日,在伦敦召开了第一次联合国代表大会。当时,筹备委员会主席、哥伦比亚外交家Zuleta Ángel,提出了一个在我看来非常有内涵的原则,而联合国的行为也应该建立在其上,这就是“善意,鄙视阴谋和狡狯,合作精神”。
Today, his words sound as a guidance for all of us. Russia believes in the huge potential of the United Nations, which should help us avoid a new global confrontation and engage in strategic cooperation. Together with other countries, we will consistently work towards strengthening the central coordinating role of the U.N. I'm confident that by working together, we will make the world stable and safe, as well as provide conditions for the development of all states and nations.
