
The Black Swan

The Black Swan, Cypnus atratus, is a large waterbird which breeds mainly in the southeast and southeast regions of Australia. The first time I came to know about the Black Swan was from a postcard sent by one of my old classmate from Australia. Recently I came to know that she has translated to another world. This short passage is dedicated to my friend-P.K.

还记得多年前,中学时的P K ,纯纯的样子,带点才气,老师同学都喜欢她。家人也宠她。毕业后,PK 到澳洲升学去。她寄给我的第一张风景片就是黑天鹅的画面,当时我这个土包子才知道世界上有黑天鹅的存在。然后又过了好多年,忽然再遇见PK,她好像有难言之隐。再后来对同学朋友避而不见。我们担心她遇到困难,但不了解她的情况,也没机会见到她。现在PK 以经在另一个世界,以往的一切伤痛都随着她的离去而消逝了。至今,PK 在同学脑海中的印像,还是咪咪眼,纯纯的脸蛋,那个带点才气的女孩。PK,安息吧!
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