John Naisbitt,American author and public speaker in future studies , 8 月下旬来到马来西亚。在名为 Mindset: A framework to anticipate the future 。这个Futurist Forum 2008 里面,有如一位专科医生,给马来西亚这个长满了毒疮恶瘤的社会把脉,追根究底,也开了不少良方。他的言论字字珠玑,句句真言,针针见血。
It is time for Malaysia to truly join the world now. For it to join the developed world,the Malaysian government and people should engage more with the world.
Malaysia needs to be part of the economic integration of the world by having a safe and secure political and social environment.
环顾四周的邻国,马国真是很落后,连印尼都不如。政府没有好好做事,只会做秀。最拿手是朝野两党不停的斗争,拗不过对方时就打种族宗教牌,50年不改变。最厉害的一招就是内安法令-Naisbitt 针对这招:the Internal Security Act, a legislation inherited by Malaysia from Britain, after 50 years should be retired.
Corruption and the perception of corruption continues to undermine the country's economic competency . It undermines Malaysia's competitiveness and its attractiveness to busniess and employment opportunities.
The justice system has to become more trustworthy. The Malaysian media has to be freed up. Rules and regulations wherever possible need to be cut back, freeing the people.
Show me a government that has a lot of rules and regulations and I can show you a government that does not trust its people.
The Malaysian education system has to be made the number one economic priority.
Naisbitt urged the government to have an economically-free environment.
The government should provide good support and then get out of the way.It should allow companies and entrepreneurs to move freely in the economic aspect.
Naisbitt said the most important thing is to study the present.
The future is embedded in the present. Getting to know the future is not very different from getting to know another person.As the future is embedded in the present ,we have to collect information about the present, and the most common form of information today is the media.
The future predicted by the media is pictures of conflicts, disasters and cat-astrophes, day after day and hour after hour.
媒体身负重任,可是,Naisbitt said: the only news very accurately reported by the media is the sports news, while the rest is given a slant. 相信媒体都承认,Yes, that's what it happens !
有关东方和西方的未来发展,Naisbitt said: The West is about teaching while the East is about learning. The West is populated by problem solvers while the East is populated by opportunity seekers. The West is yesterday but the East is tomorrow.
各位乡亲父老,51年过去了,大家睡醒了没有?七八十年代香港人最喜欢揶揄的他们那位灿哥,今天已成为东方的龙头大哥。我们还在干什么? 在等什么呢?